Building blocks for Motor Control & Treatment of Complex Postural Imbalances (16 hours)

• Typically taken 1 - 6 months after Level 1

• Onsite or Live Online Streamed.

• Covers the balance of the complete Tots concept.

• Application of the concept in the development of step-by-step motor control, multi-sensory input to reinforce body awareness in motor control,

• 3 dimensional motions, utilizing the power of 2 or 3 simultaneous motions for accelerated progress and the additional 8 of 10 grades of complexity in patterns of postural asymmetry needed for more involved cases of torticollis.


Children and Adults with more complex challenges require modification of TMR positions for optimal engagement. This seminar addresses treatment for those with complex torticollis patterns, and those with missing building blocks in for optimal development of motor control.

Topics Include:

• 8 more complex grades of torticollis & scoliosis, fine tuning motions and moving down the decision tree for complex patients, multi-sensory facilitation, ocular restrictions, and using the concept for motor learning.

• Key components as we move down the decision tree include:

• Visual identification of restrictions.

• 3-D motions - combinations of motions multidimensional motions and combinations of targeted releases for more dynamic client participation.

• Intensity - the features and benefits in the progression from guided and assisted to resisted.

• Goal directed targeted activities using concepts from PNF, NDT and motor learning.

• Learn to use an organized advanced care plan, achievement of motor control.

• Optional motions for a more dynamic application of the concept

• Treatment in multi-planar motions & combining/stacking motions for application to therapeutic play activities.

• Task analysis of atypical vs typical development to identify missing building blocks.

• Utilization of the 10 Step Protocol for the development of motor control with cross-education and interconnection of strength through the entire body.


By the end of this workshop the participant will be able to:

• Describe to a caregiver the significance of a more complex grade of torticollis.

• Prioritize selection of primary TMR motion to treat.

• Palpate targeted areas of restriction to focus the fulcrum.

• Explain the sequence of utilizing cross transfer to facilitate the involved side in a child with Erbs Palsy

• Demonstrate a combination of 3 motions alternating primary and secondary focus in simultaneous treatment.

• Demonstrate palpation of a targeted area of focused restriction in scoliosis & kyphosis

• Identify the apex of the convexity on the hard side to utilize breathing for indirect release and targeted facilitation for activation.

• Assess a restriction visually to determine the related TMR motion

• Name 3 methods of Organization and describe multi-sensory options to provide more input.

• Describe all 10 grades of Idiopathic Postural Asymmetry & congenital muscular torticollis.

• Compare the benefit of utilizing assisted vs resisted performance of a motion in segmental rolling as a developmental transition.

• Demonstrate targeted organization & activation in an complex patient eg: scapula control in a child with a hemiparesis

• Be able to Test & Treat a patient using choice of the 10 TMR motions on the Easy Side & 2 & 3 plane combination motion(s) e.g. the Upper Twist &/or a visible restriction and utilize strategy to Organize & Activate